Discover the exciting world of web development and create your first websites
Our teachers are carefully selected - they are active IT specialists with 2+ years of teaching experience who know the approach to every child.
Already in the first lesson, we will create a project and teach you how to apply knowledge in practice.
We prepare children to present their results, defend their work and not be afraid to make mistakes.
This course is designed to teach children the basics of creating web pages and websites
Необязательно оплачивать все уроки сразу — можно разделить платеж по курсу на несколько частей.
Your child will learn the basics of working with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, learn how to work with graphic layouts in Figma, and learn how to find and fix code errors. All these skills will help him create his own website.
Книга в подарок "Учим Python с Progkids" после урока