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12 games to have fun cleaning

The girl is cleaning the room

Everyone knows that cleaning is a boring but necessary task. What if we turned it into a game? Then both you and the child will not even notice how the house will quickly become clean and well-groomed.

Why is it good for kids to clean?

Even if the child has his own room, and you absolutely do with scattered toys, designer parts and books, it is important to teach children to clean.

First, this way you teach your child the ability to take responsibility for their actions and life in general, which will be of great benefit in the future.

Secondly, you teach your child to organize his space in a way that is convenient for him, especially if you take the time to create a storage system. Let your child independently choose the appropriate color of the boxes for certain things, distribute clothes and stationery in the drawers in a convenient order - all this will have a positive effect on their development.

King/Queen of Purity

Children love to transform into different characters and play roles. Invite your baby to become a true king or queen of purity. Ask your child to help you make him a cardboard crown and tell him that a cunning monster named Disorder has taken over his country. It's time to show him who's in charge here!

Musical cleaning

All kids love music. Offer your child the following game: when you play a fun track, you start packing toys into a box together. As soon as the music stops, everyone freezes in funny poses. Repeat these simple steps until you get bored or until there are no uncleaned toys left on the floor =)

The dice will help you get away

Write 6 types of tasks on a piece of paper. For example, find all the washed socks in pairs, collect pencils, wipe the plates, put the books on the shelf, etc. Then have the child take turns rolling the dice and completing the task under the dropped number.

Business cleaners

Offer your child a business game by preparing “toy” money or tokens in advance that they will receive after they finish their work. A legend you can use: you have opened your own cleaning center that provides various services. You can discuss them with your child, as well as set a price for each type of work. Next, pretend that your phone is ringing and “accept” the order. Play until the cleaning is done =) Then give the child the money they earn and ask him to exchange it for a reward: a trip to the park, a favorite dish for lunch, etc.

By timer

Set a timer and ask your child to remove as many toys as possible or wipe as many shelves as possible within a certain time.

“Cleaning” quest

For school-age children, prepare a “cleaning” quest. The child receives an itinerary that outlines the stages he should visit, for example, the bathroom, kitchen, living room. At each stage, he performs a specific task. So, in the bathroom he finds a note “Put the wet laundry from the washing machine to the basin”, in the kitchen “Put the spoons and forks in their places”, in the living room - “Field the flowers”, etc. Make sure the child gets a reward at the end of the quest.

They imagined

Let your child do the kind of work that inspires them to some imaginary playful scenario, even if they have to redo it later. This way you will support the child's motivation and not let the aspiration run out. However, make sure you don't get nervous. If a child wants to wash dishes, remove expensive porcelain plates or a memorable grandmother's mug from his access area in advance.


Hide “goodies”, small collectible toys, tokens or real coins in different places in the house, and then invite the children to turn into pirates and find “treasures”. Be sure to focus on the fact that this is easiest to do this by first cleaning up.

Yellow basket

Give your child a basket and ask them to put all the yellow toys in it. When the child is done with the task, praise him, put the toys in the box and repeat the game with a different color.

By category

Play with the “categories”: ask your child to remove all the soft toys, then put all the scattered socks in the drawer, then put all the pencils in the pencil case, etc. The task can be complicated: if the child is learning a foreign language, you can name the categories on it.

For the “check mark”

Draw on a piece of paper different types of “cleaning” tasks available to children, and have the child complete them all by ticking the box (sticking a sticker, drawing an emoticon, etc.) next to the corresponding picture over and over again.

Fashionable cleaning

Get inexpensive but fun cleaning tools to make it interesting for your child to experiment. For example, he can try on fun rubber gloves with bunnies, sweep the dust off the shelves with a rainbow broom, or wash the floor with a bright baby mop.

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