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Blogging for kids: where to start?

Blogger girl looking at the camera

Blogging is a process that involves writing articles and posts, creating photo and video content and publishing them on a website or on popular social networks.

The main features of blogging include spoken language, an informal atmosphere, regular updates, tips, tips and life hacks, as well as close interaction with subscribers or customers.

The 6 first steps of a novice blogger

Choose a niche

Think about what you're good at and what you can talk about in an interesting and engaging way. It is important that you like the topic and have a desire to learn new things and develop in it.

In addition, this topic should be quite broad and be of interest to a fairly large number of people.

If you don't know what to write about, you can share life experiences, for example, about what you do every day and what you're good at: makeup, style and clothes, sports, cooking, books, favorite coffee shops, trips, etc.

The key is to create high-quality content that will appeal to your target audience.

Come up with a simple and memorable name

Keeping your blog name short and loud enough will make it easier for people to remember it. In addition, if the title includes the topic of your content, this will add to the chances that your blog will quickly become successful and popular.

Choose a design

The design of a blog is its “face”, the first thing users will see. You can use layouts to create designs, as well as any site where you can create graphics easily and for free using ready-made elements and templates.

Write your first post

Once you've chosen a design, you need to start publishing content. Regardless of whether they are articles, posts, or videos, you need them to be unique, engaging, high-quality, and informative enough. From now on, you'll have to constantly be on the lookout for fresh ideas for publications — regular posting helps attract new subscribers and win over existing ones.

Don't forget to add beautiful photos or pictures to make it easier for visitors to understand text content.


Larger companies usually promote content through a variety of marketing strategies that include traditional advertising and the use of various digital assistants. Use any type of promotion that is available to you: social media advertising, mutual promotion with the help of other bloggers, email messaging, and many others. To get noticed, you can comment on other pages, hold games and contests to attract new subscribers, etc.

Show your imagination and take action!

Optimize and update your content regularly

Don't forget that a successful and popular blog requires constant updating, just like a plant requires watering. Your subscribers will be interested in following your “news” on a regular basis - otherwise they'll just get bored. Also, if you want your blog to rank higher in search engines, use keywords, add SEO meta tags, and optimize images.

The facts

Today, the number of blogs on a wide variety of topics reaches 600 million. People run their pages for their own interest, business, personal brand promotion, etc. If you want to become a famous blogger and do what you love, pay attention to the following recommendations.

How to blog successfully: 5 tips from experts

Give your blog time

Building trust with followers doesn't happen overnight. Be consistent and don't give up! Study SEO algorithms, publish high-quality and useful content that interests you, and gradually you will see results.

Explore competitors' blogs

This does not mean that you need to copy what others do — your blog should remain unique and reflect exactly your ideas, thoughts and inner world. However, it is not forbidden to peek at interesting “features”! In addition, you will be able to analyze your own content and find gaps and shortcomings in your publications, find out what exactly captivates your target audience the most, and what should be improved. By studying popular blogs, you can understand the mechanisms of interaction with the audience and growth strategies.

By the way, there are special programs that allow you to monitor and analyze competitors' blogs.

Keep up with the latest news

Keep up to date with the latest search algorithms, SEO tactics, and don't forget about keywords and meta tags so that new subscribers can find your blog.

Keep a balance between well-optimized text for search engines and engaging content for subscribers.

Write and talk about important things

Publish valuable and unique material that will interest your target audience and answer their questions.

Make sure the design is nice

Most people first pay attention to the visual, and then to the content of texts and articles. The first impression of your blog is crucial whether the person stays with you or closes the page.

Take the time to ensure that the images on the blog are in a single format, the font is easy to read, and the visual style matches the content of the texts.

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