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What to do if a teenager is a narcissist

A teenage narcissist takes a selfie

Narcissism is a state of mind in which a teenager begins to overestimate his own personality in all its manifestations (externally and internally). As a result, they become self-centered, constantly talking about themselves, their appearance, talents and abilities, and demanding increased attention without showing empathy for others.

Signs of narcissism in teenagers

The main signs of narcissism include.

I'm better than others

The teenager thinks and acts like he's better than the rest. However, this may have nothing to do with his achievements.

I'm the coolest

They exaggerate their abilities and brag to others, while they believe in the best version of themselves.

Recognize me

Regardless of whether a teenager has done something outstanding or not, he expects others to notice and praise him. He needs recognition as much as air.

I only think about myself

They are selfish and only think about themselves and their emotions. Everything that is not relevant to them is not important to them. They have a hard time recognizing other people's feelings because they're fixated on themselves.

Admire me

It's hard for them to maintain relationships. If a teenager often changes friends, or if they don't have any, this may be one of the signs of his narcissism. Perhaps he treats his friends down, expects constant admiration from them, or has no interest in others at all.

Why study?

They think they know everything in the world. A teenager may refuse to study because he believes that his intellect is already well developed.

I'm not like that!

Teenage narcissists have a hard time tolerating criticism. If they feel humiliated, they treat “abusers” aggressively or even harshly.

How to deal with a teenage narcissist

If you're seeing signs of narcissism in teens, here are some tips on how to communicate with them and help them cope.

Support a young narcissist

Pay attention to the teenager's interests and life. It would seem that he does not need this, because his self-esteem is already too high. But this is just an illusion. In fact, the child requires increased attention. Tell your teen how much you love him, appreciate him and why he is special to you. A child always needs the support of his family.

Tell me who your friend is...

Follow the teenager's social media pages and get interested in his social circle. If you see your child being rude or indifferent to other people's feelings, talk to them and explain that this behavior is inappropriate.

Expensive doesn't mean better

Explain to your child that expensive clothes, a house or a car do not reflect the inner essence of the person who owns them. If you are fairly wealthy and your child is used to getting the best, do an experiment: let him go to or from school once a week by bus rather than by car. Dress simply without wearing makeup, go for a walk together and have a good time. Then find out how the teen felt during the experiment. Did anyone look down on him? Explain that expensive things are not the main thing, and it is possible to be a happy and respected person without them.

Let the young narcissist take his lessons

Don't criticize a teenager if he talks a lot about himself and shows off. Don't pay attention to his “quirks”, just let him do what he sees fit and gain his own invaluable experience. Most likely, he will soon realize that he was wrong.

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