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Games for developing attention and memory

The boy plays games to develop attention

In this article, we'll talk about attention, what types of concentration are there, and how to train focus in a game format.

What is attention?

This is the ability to focus on certain things while ignoring other sources of information entering the brain.

The ability to concentrate on one subject matters because, depending on the situation, we need to shift our attention from one subject to another. To be effective at one point in time or another, we must shift our focus and block stimuli that are not relevant at the moment.

The process of maintaining attention is closely related to cognitive abilities (memory, perception, behavior, etc.).

The older we get, the longer we can keep our focus on a thing or task, the more information our brain can process.

Types of attention

There are numerous types of attention, which we will list below.

Selective attention

It is used when we focus on some of the most important aspects of the situation around us and block other incoming information. For example, in class, a child listens to the teacher without paying attention to the chatter of his classmates on the back desk.

Divided attention

In this type of focus, we become multitaskers, i.e. we engage in two or more types of activities at the same time, paying attention to each of them. For example, in class, a child listens to the teacher and at the same time draws in a notebook.

Variable attention

It involves switching between tasks that stimulate different cognitive centers: concentration on one task is replaced by a focus on another distraction, and then returning to the first task. For example, a child plays catch-up, hears a car noise, checks if he is safe, and then continues playing.

Sustained attention

It involves a long concentration on some things. For example, a child is programming for half an hour.

Open and covert attention

In an open type of attention, sensory receptors are in agreement with the focus of attention. For example, a child looks at you when he listens to what you say to him.

In the hidden type of attention, sensory receptors and the focus of attention dissociate. For example, a child pretends to read while actually listening to what his classmates are talking about.

Exciting games to develop attention

Play is an ideal way to develop a child's various abilities: communication, cognitive, creative skills, as well as the ability to think logically and analyze what is happening. In addition, the game will help you train your attention and focus on what is important.

Attention games

In the car

When driving a car, ask your child to do something every time he sees an object of a certain color. For example, clap at the sight of a red car.


Another game similar to the previous one, but now focused on developing auditory attention. Agree that when you say a word or phrase, the child reacts to it in some way. For example, when he hears the phrase “How beautiful”, he says “Wow!”. You can play anywhere: walking in the park, on the way to school, etc.

Word games

Different versions of word games: classics, when you have to name words with the same letter, as well as complicated versions, when you have to remember words ending with a chosen letter or, conversely, say something, avoiding using words starting with “B”.

Attention and memory games from improvised materials

What's on the tray

Place 10 different items on the tray. Take one minute and let your child consider these things. Then hide the tray or cover it with a cloth. Ask your child to name or write down as many items as possible.

What's missing

Place 10 items on the tray, as in the previous game, and take one minute for the child to view them properly. Then ask him to close his eyes and remove one or two items from the tray. Ask your child what's missing.


There is a large selection of memory development games on sale, but you can also make Memo yourself. To do this, cut several sheets of paper into cards - there must be an even number of them. Next, make paired cards, for example, draw two identical fruits, toys or geometric shapes. If the child can already read, write two identical words at a time. Place the cards on the table with the pictures facing down. The essence of the game is to open two cards at a time and find pairs, remembering where certain pictures or words are located.

Attention and matching games

Sound lotto

Pick up 10 different sounds and 10 pictures to match (e.g. bird-bird chirping, motor-car sound, drum beating, cat and cat meowing, etc.). Ask your child to match the sound they hear and the picture.


Prepare pictures by topic, for example, Disney characters, objects and material from which they are made, etc. Ask your child to match pairs by finding characters from the same cartoon and matching items and material.


Take two sheets of paper into the box - one for you, one for the child. Let each of you circle your hand. Then write numbers between 0 and 100 or less (depending on the child's age) within the outline. Then exchange pictures. The first player names any number. The second player is looking for it in his drawing. While searching, the first player draws circles outside the contour of the arm, one in each cell.

The second player says STOP as soon as he finds the right number and calls the next one.

The first person to fill the entire background space with circles wins.

If you want your child to become more attentive and diligent, as well as develop logical and mathematical thinking skills, sign up for a free one trial lesson on programming for the Progkids online school. All lessons are held in an individual format, as well as at a time convenient for you and your child, which makes them as comfortable as possible. Experienced teachers take a unique approach to each young talent and encourage students to undertake any creative endeavors. Our school has an internal educational platform where you can learn programming in a game format. Moreover, your child can create art using AI, learn to start their own blog, or create animated music videos. By the way, our school has its own online space where students share news, creative projects and achievements, participate in competitions, and play Minecraft and other games with teachers.

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