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Interesting facts about robots

Interesting facts about robots

Robots that were once only the imagination of writers and directors surprise us less and less today. They help us in a variety of areas, from everyday household chores to distant space exploration. However, despite their popularity, many of us know little about how robots came to be and what amazing stories are associated with them. In this article, we invite you to dive into the world of robots and learn something new about them.

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Interesting facts about robots

Here are some interesting facts about robots that might surprise you!


The words “android” and “robot” are not synonymous. Android is a human-like robot.


The first industrial robot, Unimate, was developed in 1961. It was used at the General Motors plant in the United States for welding and moving heavy parts.


Robots have been actively helping humans explore other planets for some time. For example, the Curiosity robot has been working on Mars since 2012. His findings include traces of ancient lakes. The InSight probe has been on the red planet since 2018. It explores the surface of Mars, collecting data on its geology and climate.


There are many robots that are ready to help humans on a daily basis. Thus, the Clocky robot will be the best wake-up assistant. This robotic alarm clock will “speak” melodies until the owner gets out of bed and chases after him.


The robot first made its own decision in 1966. His name was Shakey, and he did it using AI.


Robots are able to persuade people by subordinating them to their will. Does it sound creepy? Don't be scared, it's not so scary! It's just that during one of the scientific experiments, the robot managed to arouse pity in 30% of people, begging them not to turn it off.


A robotic arm that plays Rock, Paper, Scissors and wins everyone is an amazing example of a machine that responds excellently. It was developed by scientists from the University of Tokyo. The robot uses high-speed cameras that record the initial movement of a person's hand. Then the system analyzes the shape in the blink of an eye and predicts the result.


The HitchBot or HitchBot robot became famous for its unusual mission — to hitchhike to different countries, relying solely on the kindness of people.

It was assembled from the simplest and cheapest materials: buckets, rubber boots and gloves. He had a funny and friendly appearance. The robot was equipped with a GPS system, a camera and a microphone to record its travels. He could talk to people using simple phrases and text messages. The robot's first trip to Canada in 2014 was successful, but in 2015, during its second trip to the United States, it was broken.


SoFi is a soft robot fish that can swim in the ocean among its habitants. It is equipped with a camera and is able to move with its tail fin, making it ideal for safely exploring marine life.


The word “robot” comes from a Czech word that means “forced hard labor”.

Robots continue to amaze us every day, becoming more intelligent and irreplaceable.

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