Ruby is an object-oriented programming language created in 1995 by Japanese programmer Yukihiro Matsumoto. Ruby is elegant and flexible, which makes it attractive to programmers of all levels, from beginners to experienced developers.
When creating his creation, Yukihiro Matsumoto took the best from languages such as Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, and Lisp. According to him, he tried to make Ruby natural, not simple, so that it reflected life itself. “Ruby is light in appearance but very complex on the inside, just like our human body,” says Yukihiro Matsumoto.
How did it all start? Why did you decide to create your own programming language?
I started programming when I was 15 years old. It was 1980 and my father bought me a handy computer the size of a calculator. It had Basic on it. That's when I started to hate it and became interested in programming languages. I went to bookstores and libraries and looked for better options. I studied Pascal, LOGO, and Lisp from books when I was in high school. Because I lived in a rural area in Japan, it was impossible to find a computer with these languages.
This is how I became interested in languages: I think that's when I became a language fan. And yes, I even wanted to create my own language. However, I never expected Ruby to become so popular!
What inspired you to write a book about Ruby? Please tell us about it.
I originally wrote a pocket guide to Ruby in Japanese. But when O'Reilly translated it into English, there was so much material that it was enough for a full book. That is why I was asked to complete the manuscript. It was difficult for me to write in English: then, for the first time in my life, I wanted to be born in an English-speaking country (laughs).
What advice would you give to beginning programmers?
First, learn several programming languages in different styles: object-oriented, functional, logical, etc. This will already teach you a lot.
Second, read good coding books.
Third, when you see any interesting site or product, always check its source code. It is a source of information and knowledge.
Fourth, never focus on tools. Tools are changing. The algorithms and fundamentals remain the same.
Fifthly, don't focus on the computers themselves. Specialists create programs that serve people. Don't forget that coding is a human-centered activity.
Sixth, be lazy. Let your computer serve you. Do your best to keep it that way.
Seventh, test everything in advance and test often. If possible, write tests before writing code directly.
Eighth, be nice to others. Remember what you do for people.
Ninth, look for creative solutions.
And finally, enjoy the programming process and life!
Ruby benefits
Ruby's syntax is concise and straightforward, making it an ideal language for learning programming.
Object-oriented approach
Everything in Ruby is an object, which provides structure and simplicity to the code.
Flexibility and expandability
Ruby has a rich set of libraries and frameworks that extend its capabilities.
Active community
Ruby has an active and friendly community of developers ready to help newcomers.
Ruby application
Web development: Ruby is widely used for creating web applications thanks to the popular Ruby on Rails framework.
Scripting: Ruby is great for automating tasks and creating scripts.
Data processing: Ruby offers powerful tools for analyzing and processing data.
Learning to program: Ruby is one of the best languages to start learning programming because of its simplicity and accessibility.
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