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How to teach your child to keep promises

teen makes a promise to mom

In today's world of technology and rapid changes, there is something that hasn't changed over the years. Honesty, honesty and other moral qualities will be valued at all times. Whether a child starts working in the IT field or chooses a different path, the ability to keep his word will make him a successful and respected person in the eyes of others. In this article, we'll talk about how to teach a child to keep promises.

How to teach your child to keep promises

#1 Apple from apple tree

If you promised something to your child, do your best to keep your word. This will set a positive role model.

#2 Indiscriminate honesty

Be honest in everything you do and explain to your child how important it is to be a person of “word”. Tell us that honesty should not be ostentatious, but come from within. Don't forget to mention the importance of being honest with yourself as well.

#3 A fairy tale is a lie, but it has a hint...

Read stories and tales together about how decency helped characters achieve success and personal happiness in their lives. Discuss the characters' behavior and ask the child what he would do in their place. Share real stories from your life or the lives of your friends and acquaintances with your child.

#4 I'm interested in your life!

Ask your child what's going on in their life and be their best friend. Get your son or daughter's trust. This will make it easier for you to help him do what he says and promises. Your awareness will give your child additional confidence and support. “Mom or Dad knows that I promised to do this and if I don't succeed, they'll help me!” such thoughts will have a positive effect on the child's development of the habit of bringing any business to an end.

#5 Support and support

This point follows smoothly from the previous one. Support children in all their endeavors and help them fulfill their obligations at all costs, not only in word but also in deed. For example, if a child promised to draw a poster for a school holiday but doesn't have time to finish it, finish the work together.

#6 Support VS. Shifting Responsibility

Many parents cross the fine line and begin to do all their child's responsibilities: they do homework or creative projects for school activities instead.

Unfortunately, this does not lead to anything good: the child will stop taking responsibility, lose faith in himself and become lazy.

#7 Mrs. Responsibility

Hold your child accountable from an early age. While the child is very young, give him simple tasks that he should do on his own. The older the children are, the more difficult the tasks just like in their favorite video games =)

#8 Praise is sweeter than lunch =)

Don't forget to praise your child: let him be proud of his achievements. Your encouragement is the best motivator for honesty and the ability to keep promises.

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