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How to discover a child's talent

Reveal a child's talent

Those who can identify a child's talent at an early age usually include parents and teachers. In addition, children with outstanding abilities are very important for society, as this benefits cultural, technical and other types of development at the school, city and country levels.

How to detect a child's talent in various activities?

Actively observe

According to 2016 Nobel Laureate Bernard L. Feriga, all children have talent that just needs to be found and encouraged (Nobel Prize 2020). The professor grew up in a village with limited resources and opportunities, but his parents and teachers were able to see his potential and maximize his talent.

Create a safe environment

Growing up in a safe environment away from war, poverty and violence gives them a chance to discover their creativity and become more creative.

To cultivate emotional intelligence

To make talent more clear, it is important to educate children to be emotionally intelligent. Children who know how to work with their emotions, do not fear or suppress them, but are able to express them in a “healthy” way, find it easier to show their talents and express themselves in various disciplines, be it art or science.

To give an opportunity to express yourself through free play

School, creative sections and clubs should be a place where children can express themselves openly through invention and play. These activities are by far the best ways to show children's natural gift.

Disappointment is no reason to give up

Not everyone will always recognize the exceptional nature of a child, even if he is very talented. But this is no reason to be upset and think that the world is against you. Teach your child the skills to self-regulate emotions - this will be the most important skill in his life. Help a gifted child find an inner core and faith in himself, and he will thank you for the rest of his life.

Communicate more often with a gifted child

Talented children often do not fit into standard school rules; it is difficult for them to comply with the norms of society and build relationships with other people. It is necessary to monitor this situation through communication directly with the child himself, his teachers and school psychologist. The task of parents is to help young talents gain social competence.

Set your child up for success

To develop talent, it is not necessary to enroll a child in all existing clubs where he could show it. It is enough to organize a fairly free schedule for him and praise him more often. Parental support and recognition of the child's merits will have a positive impact on his self-esteem and help him reach his own potential in a natural way.

Various “tasks” around the house

Teach your child ingenuity and ingenuity at home, giving them tasks to do on their own. Ask him to creatively hang socks that are wet after washing, arrange the dishes so that they are convenient to take, or distribute the colorful folders on the shelves in the office. Let the child feel like an important person who has been entrusted with a significant mission.

Encourage your child to be more curious

Tell and show your child what an interesting world we live in. Be sure to support his initiatives and openness to everything around him.

Be a role model

Very often, children repeat what their parents do and even follow in their footsteps. Encourage your child to try new things and show them how to do something you're good at.

If you want your child to become more creative and develop creativity, as well as logical and mathematical thinking, sign up for a free one trial lesson on programming for the Progkids online school. All lessons are held in an individual format, as well as at a time convenient for you and your child, which makes them as comfortable as possible. Experienced teachers take a unique approach to each young talent and encourage students to undertake any creative endeavors. Our school has an internal educational platform where you can learn programming in a game format. Moreover, your child can create art using AI, learn to start their own blog, or create animated music videos. By the way, our school has its own online space where students share news, creative projects and achievements, participate in competitions, and play Minecraft and other games with teachers.

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