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Legendary programmers who changed the IT world

Two programmers

Technology! How firmly they have become part of our lives and how much they have changed it. Today we can't live without computers that help us study, work and communicate. In this article, we decided to pay tribute to the legendary people who have dedicated their lives to technology. So meet us! The most famous programmers who changed the IT world!

Ada Lovelace (1815-1852)

English mathematician. Ada is called the world's first programmer. In 1833, she wrote the world's first computer program, created by inventor Charles Babbage. Unfortunately, the young woman's script has remained on paper. By the way, it was Ada who introduced the terms “cycle” and “work cell”.

Alan Turing (1912-1954)

British scientist and mathematician who developed a machine that simulates computer algorithms. It was Alan who was one of the first to talk about the possibility of creating artificial intelligence. The Turing Machine played a key role during World War II: it helped decipher secret German codes.

Alan is known as the father of modern computers. This outstanding man is named after the highest award in computer science, the Turing Prize.

Bjorn Stroustrup (born 1950)

A Danish IT specialist who is interested not only in computer technology, but also in philosophy and history. He is known as the creator of the C++ language, which he developed as an extension of the C language. Bjorn currently teaches and is the head of the computer science department at a Texas university.

James Gosling (born 1955)

A Canadian programmer known as the father of the Java programming language, which he developed in 1994.

James has been with Google since 2011.

Guido van Rossum (born 1956)

A Dutch programmer who created the popular Python programming language. In his own words, this was due to boredom: Guido had too much free time before Christmas 1989. The name of the new programming language was born thanks to the comedy series Monty Python's Flying Circus.

Guido worked at Google and Dropbox, but retired to Microsoft because he got bored.

Linus Torvalds (born 1969)

A Finnish programmer who created the Linux kernel, which is used on Linux, Chrome and Android operating systems. By the way, Linus developed Linux on a regular home computer in his spare time. The first version appeared in 1991.

Torvalds now lives in the US.

Tim Berners-Lee (born 1955)

British scientist, famous for inventing the World Wide Web, a platform through which people around the world can exchange information, have free access to various resources, study, work and communicate without geographical restrictions. Tim currently heads the founding chair of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.  

Satoshi Nakamoto (date of birth unknown)

No one knows exactly who Satoshi is or if this name is real. Most likely, this is the pseudonym of the person or group of people who developed the bitcoin cryptocurrency, wrote official documents to it, and also created the first blockchain database. In 2021, a bust of Satoshi Nakamoto was installed in Hungary. The statue has a gold face and a badge with the Bitcoin logo on it.

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