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How to become more creative: Robert Bilder, a well-known neuropsychologist, tells us

The boy draws a picture and is happy

Psychiatry professor Robert Bilder, director of the Tenenbaum Center for Biology and Creativity at UCLA, is Head of the Mind Well Project. It was created to promote creative success and maintain the psychological comfort of university students, staff and teachers.

The project is conducting research in the field of creative biology, which has revealed several important factors that influence creative achievements and can be used in our activities by any of us.

Just do it

The main formula for creative success is just do it!

The question of quantity

The more time we devote to creativity, the better the result. Put aside the idea that everything has to be perfect. Do the best you can and share your creativity with others. Sometimes it seems that no one needs it or is too banal, and it can be excruciatingly difficult to overcome such thoughts, but by doing this, you will achieve more than if you hide your work in the back of your desk.

Dealing with fears

One day after the lecture, Robert was presented with a motivational poster that read “What would you do if you weren't afraid?”

According to the scientist, now he looks at him and every day tries to do something fearless. What are you afraid of? Answer the question and don't let fear stop you!

If you don't like it, redo it

Remaking is a natural part of the process. If you're not happy with the result, redo the job. The main thing to remember is that it's always easier than doing something from scratch! Don't worry about spending a lot of time redoing it: it's a rewarding experience anyway.

On the importance of criticism 

The opinions of others help us improve our work. This is an important point because before we can show our ideas to others, we need to implement them in some form so that we can evaluate them. Through criticism, we get the point of view of others and get a chance to look at the work from a different angle, and also come up with ways to improve it.

Be willing to argue

However, Robert believes that there is a negative correlation between creativity and agreement. Rebel people who only follow their own opinions tend to produce more creative results. According to the scientist, all his discoveries were made because he dared to challenge the existing answers. A truly creative approach involves going back to basics, a journey deep.

Based on Barbara Oakley's book Think Like a Mathematician

If you want your child to become more creative and develop creativity, as well as logical and mathematical thinking, sign up for a free one trial lesson on programming for the Progkids online school. All lessons are held in an individual format, as well as at a time convenient for you and your child, which makes them as comfortable as possible. Experienced teachers take a unique approach to each young talent and encourage students to undertake any creative endeavors. Our school has an internal educational platform where you can learn programming in a game format. Moreover, your child can create art using AI, learn to start their own blog, or create animated music videos. By the way, our school has its own online space where students share news, creative projects and achievements, participate in competitions, and play Minecraft and other games with teachers.

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