There are 7 different types of recreation that can help you and your child feel refreshed. Understanding what type of vacation the body currently needs plays an important role in maintaining well-being and overall health, and also prevents the risks of “burnout”.
Vacation types
Physical rest
It involves quality sleep, as well as a day's rest in a horizontal position, muscle relaxation and exercises that include smooth movements. This allows you to recover from daily activities, reduce muscle tension and increase energy levels. Yoga and leisurely walks are also part of this type of recreation.
Mental vacation
During our daily activities, our brain processes a large amount of information, makes various decisions and seeks answers to many questions. This takes up a huge amount of energy. Barack Obama believed that the less we overexert our brains over trifles, the better. “I make so many decisions that I try to cut back on them where I can. I don't want to decide what to wear. As you can see, I only wear blue or gray suits,” said the former US President in an interview.
Mental rest is necessary to give your mind a break from relentless mental activity. Mental peace can be achieved through meditative practices, mandatory breaks during the working day, and all sorts of hobbies that do not involve the intense work of the brain. All of the above will have a positive impact on concentration and creative activity.
Emotional rest
It involves a conscious approach to expressing emotions, allowing yourself to experience feelings, not being afraid to seek support when you need it, and avoiding emotionally draining situations. It may be quite difficult, but it's worth it: developing emotional intelligence will lead to a better understanding of yourself and others, as well as a greater sense of inner peace.
Sensory vacation
Today, the world that surrounds us is filled with various types of stimulations: an endless stream of information, bright lights, loud noises, and plenty of screens. Sensory rest is aimed at reducing stress from digital overload. To give yourself a vacation of this type, you must first turn off electronic devices, dim the lights, and go to a quiet place in nature. This will help to “reset” your senses and free your mind.
Creative vacation
It involves turning to works of art, listening to inspiring music, and communicating with nature. This type of vacation will refresh your perception, give you new ideas and delight your soul.
Social recreation
It involves talking to like-minded people or being alone, as well as distancing yourself from strained relationships, if any. Communication will help you cheer you up, get support, “reboot” after a busy week, and look at any difficulties from a different angle.
Spiritual relaxation
A person is more than a part of society and a biological organism: each of us has a need to understand our highest goal, purpose and mission on this earth. Spiritual rest is necessary so that you can reconsider your views, dreams and goals, understand whether you are on the right track or if you need to choose a new direction.
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