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Adolescence for boys: what should parents do

Adolescence for boys

The transition age is a period of change and transformation that boys face as they develop. It can be a challenge for parents as boys begin to form their personalities and find their place in society.

In this article, we'll look at how to determine children's transitional age, when it begins, and how parents can cope with this period.

The first thing to understand is that adolescence for boys usually begins in adolescence, at about 11-12 years of age, and can last until the age of 19.

During this period, boys go through physical, emotional, and social changes. It is important to note that every child is unique, and transition age may vary from child to child.

One of the signs of adolescence in boys is physical development. At this time, they begin to change, the first signs of puberty appear (voice, height and physique change). Sleep problems may also occur due to the redistribution of hormones. The level of energy is also changing — the guys are becoming more active and restless.

During adolescence, emotional changes also play a significant role. Boys may show mood instability, emotional sensitivity, and new emotional reactions to situations. This is caused by a combination of physical and hormonal changes, as well as social factors such as relationships with friends and social influence.

How can parents cope with adolescence in boys? Here are some helpful tips:

  1. Be patient and understanding. Remember that your child is going through a difficult period and their behavior can be unpredictable. Try to understand and support him emotionally and physically.
  2. Maintain open and trustful communication. Create a safe environment where your son can talk openly about his feelings, concerns, and questions. Be ready to listen to him without judging or criticizing him, and instead let him know he can rely on you.
  3. Provide suitable opportunities for self-expression and self-realization. Boys in transition are looking for their place in society and may feel the need for autonomy and independence. Help them find hobbies, interests, or activities that enable them to reach their potential and feel confident.
  4. Be an example. Your child still needs guidance and role models. Show him positive qualities, such as respect, responsibility, and fairness.
  5. Seek professional support if needed. If you think your child is having serious transition problems, such as depression, anxiety, or behavioral problems, seek help from an educator, psychologist, or other professional.

It is important to remember that adolescence is a normal stage in the development of every boy. With the right support and understanding from their parents, children will be able to successfully overcome this time and grow into confident adults.

Well, if you want your child to learn something useful during adolescence, sign up for a free trial lesson on programming or working with artificial intelligence at our ProgKids online school.

Karen Konstantin

ProgKids Teacher

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