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Programming from scratch: where to start?

The guy is programming on a computer

In today's digital society, an endless amount of information is publicly available. Every search engine question gets millions, if not billions, of links, each of which encourages you to click on it.

Are you wondering where to start learning programming from scratch, but don't want to get lost in the variety of resources on offer?
In this article, you will find answers to frequently asked questions from people who are interested in IT development and would like to start learning programming themselves or teach a child how to “code”.

What is programming?

Programming is the process of creating code or program that “tells” a computer what to do. Computers don't understand common phrases, so developers come up with special programming languages to “communicate” with a computer. There are many programming languages, such as C++, JavaScript, Python, and more. When a person studies code, they learn to write instructions for a machine, as well as create websites, applications, computer software, etc.

What is the difference between programming and coding?

Some people don't make any difference in these terms, using them synonymously. However, others believe that coding and programming are not equal to each other.
Coding is the very process of writing codes that a machine can understand. Programming includes coding and a number of other tasks: program development, research, design, testing, implementation, management, etc.

Why should you learn to program?

The programming process involves a certain way of thinking. He very powerfully develops a variety of skills: analytical, cognitive and creative abilities, understanding cause and effect relationships, project thinking, and much more. Therefore, mastering programming will have a positive impact not only on your professional field, but will also have a positive impact on all aspects of life. As for children, their performance in school will improve, it will be easier for them to make any decisions, and the child will also increase their self-confidence.

Can everyone learn to code?

Yes, anyone and even a child can learn programming. All you need is time, perseverance, interest and motivation. Even if the process may seem complicated at first, all your efforts will be rewarded as a result.
It is good for children to learn programming skills in a playful way. There are many games, both digital and board games, that will help introduce your child to the concepts of functions, cycles, etc.
Remote courses like our Progkids online school teach kids how to code using their favorite games or block programming.

How do you start?

Here are the first steps to take if you or your child wants to start learning to code:

Decide on a goal

Why would you or your child want to learn programming? What do you want to get as a result? Having a specific goal will reduce the risk of leaving everything halfway if the process seems confusing or too complicated.
Take a notebook and write down the projects you would like to implement after learning how to program.
To get started, it's better to choose simple goals, such as creating a simple app or mini-game.
By bringing these easy projects to life, you will immediately feel progress, confidence, the feeling that you can do everything and the motivation to continue.
Don't forget about the deadline — to keep it interesting, try not to delay the creation of the first game for many years =)

Choose a programming language

Once you've decided on your goal, consider which programming language is best for implementing it. Don't forget to consider your long-term goals. Are you programming “for yourself” as a hobby or are you planning to turn it into a source of income? How much time are you willing to devote to learning basic skills?
Explore the pros and cons of different programming languages and make an informed choice.
If your child wants to learn to code, consider his age. For the little ones, block programming in Scratch is suitable. Older kids will be great at Python. If a child loves Minecraft and Roblox, they have the opportunity to learn the programming base in an exciting format without interrupting their favorite games.

What do we do next?

In our digital age, you can find free resources for self-study of any discipline. Programming is no exception, especially if you are fluent in English.
However, if you don't want to figure it all out yourself, use the services of an online school. Experienced teachers will help you learn complex concepts and design lessons to meet your personal needs.

If you need to find programming courses for your child, sign him up for trial lesson to our Progkids online school. Lessons are held in an individual format, which allows the teacher to take into account the interests and characteristics of each student and find a unique approach to your child.
Each session at Progkids is a new discovery for children and a reason for parental pride!

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