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“Theme of the month”, or an unusual way to help your child do everything without stress

A child studying

In the modern world, where something new and interesting appears every day, a child just wants to try everything at once! Throwing between hobbies — from swimming and acting to cross-stitching and programming — can become a pain. How can we deal with this? In this article, we'll explain what the “theme of the month” is and share useful strategies that will help make the “do it all” mission feasible!

And if your child is fond of IT technologies, we are looking forward to seeing him in class at Progkids!

What is the “theme of the month”

The “theme of the month” is what a child focuses on for 30 days, temporarily putting aside other hobbies. A deep dive into one hobby provides a more multifaceted understanding of a particular field. In a month, when the child learns the basic skills, he will be able to safely move on to another hobby, not forgetting to support the skills that have developed.

Other benefits of the “theme of the month”

Structuring the learning process

The “Theme of the Month” organizes the learning process and work tasks, making them more consistent and logical.

Increased motivation

Diving into one session helps you achieve faster results, which undoubtedly inspires you to further discoveries and gives you confidence in your abilities.

Creating unity

By choosing the “theme of the month”, the child can invite friends to join him. This will increase his motivation and make the process more fun and productive.

Flexibility and adaptability

If the “theme of the month” is in line with current events and trends, this makes it even more relevant and increases the motivation to pursue it.

Developing creative skills

Diving deep into one activity usually leads to cool creative discoveries.

Assessing progress

The completion of the work on the “theme of the month” allows us to sum up the preliminary results, assess the results achieved and outline ways for further development.

How to get the most out of the “theme of the month”

Learn to set priorities

Not all tasks are equally important. Help your child identify what needs immediate attention and what can wait.

Learn time management

Together with your child, plan his schedule so as to allocate quality time for the “theme of the month”. Having a deadline always makes work more productive.

Learn how to say no

Teach your child to avoid additional tasks that are not in line with the “theme of the month” to avoid stress and overload. This skill will undoubtedly be useful to him in the future.

Don't forget to take care of yourself

Tell your child how important it is to take time for themselves and their health. Regular exercise, a healthy diet and adequate sleep should always come first.


Another important habit that is best learned from childhood is the ability to manage stress. Before you start your favorite activity, you need to calm down and tune in to it. Deep, measured breathing and conscious inclusion will help with this.

Use a creative approach

Encourage your child to think creatively and find new solutions in every situation. This will be useful to him in the future.

It's important to remember

The “Theme of the Month” is a great way to get ahead in an activity without giving up other hobbies, but only putting them back in time.

Examples of “topics of the month” on IT technologies

1. Computer history

A journey from the first computers to modern technologies.

2. Programming basics

Mastering a database of programming languages such as Python or JavaScript.

3. Cybersecurity

Fundamentals of data protection and safe online behavior.

4. Artificial intelligence

Learning the basics of AI and its applications in the modern world.

5. Algorithms

The study of basic algorithms and their structure, as well as how they are used in solving problems.

A child can learn all this at Progkids! All you have to do is write it down to free trial lesson!

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