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Programming languages for kids: which one to choose?

The girl is programming

In simple terms, programming is communication between a person and a computer: using code, a specialist can tell the machine what he wants from it. And, as you know, for communication to take place, it is necessary to speak the same language, therefore, any programmer needs to know one or more programming languages.

Parents and novice programmers are often interested in the question: what language should I start with? In this article, we've reviewed several programming languages that are suitable for children.


This programming language is characterized by the fact that it reads like ordinary speech, and written code rarely has to be commented on.

If a child wants to learn coding, they first need to learn to think like a programmer. Python is ideal for this purpose. By programming in this language, the child will learn how to build concepts in their head, and then use code to translate them to the machine for further interpretation. In addition, Python means that everything you need to learn and use it is available in its libraries. Many of the common features programmers need are already built into the language, making Python a great language for kids to learn.


There are different views on whether a child should start learning programming in this language. The thing is, C++ is a bit like math, and it might seem boring at first glance. However, as soon as a child learns basic programming skills in this language, they will have new opportunities to discover their IT potential. Many of the most successful programmers were starting to learn to program in C++


A language for little ones where you can create animations, interactive stories, music videos, mini-games and other exciting projects that your child's imagination will suggest. Programming in Scratch involves moving bright colorful blocks from which the child “builds” code. This is very convenient to do on a tablet.


Another visual programming language that is ideal for novice programmers. Originally Snap! was a built-in extension to one of the versions of Scratch. Today it is a completely independent programming environment that offers features not found in the parent language. Snap! designed for an older audience than Scratch, for example, it is good for teenagers. Learn to program with Snap! prepares young coders to learn Python, JavaScript and other popular languages.


This programming language is somewhat more complicated than Python, but if a young programmer learns it as a first language, it will make it much easier for them to learn others. Java has been around for two decades and is ideal for building websites and apps. There are plenty of online resources, ready-made toolkits, and various tutorials for learning and using this language. Java is similar to C++ but offers more functionality—this allows students to create more reliable programs.

Test yourself

We suggest you take a short test and guess programming languages by piece of code.

Language 1

#include <iostream>

int main () {

//BEGIN (write your solution here)


return 0;


Language 2

class HelloWorld {

    public static void main (String [] args) {

System.out.println (“Hello World!”) ;



Language 3

Language 4

print ('Hello, World! ')

Answers: 1. C++ 2. Java 3. Scratch 4. Python

At our online school, we teach children the basics of programming both in a playful and more “adult” format. Sign up for a child for free trial lesson at Progkids, where he will try himself as a coder, make his first mini-project and get acquainted with the world of IT technologies! All classes are held in an individual format, so every young talent will always be in the spotlight!

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