5 fundamental things a child should never go without - ProgKids
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5 fundamental things a child should never go without

A girl and a boy wearing sunglasses are walking down the street

Each of us wants to live a full life, develop, move towards goals and achieve them, maximizing our potential.

What can we do to make this possible?

How can you improve your performance to the highest level and stay productive over a long period of time?

According to Andrew Guberman, a renowned American neuroscientist, there are five basic things to remember every day.

Good sleep is very important for a child


As cliché as it may sound, regular and adequate sleep, even for several days in a row, improves performance and endurance. As you know, during sleep, the body is “charged” with energy, restores the immune system, and regenerates tissues and cells. The hormone somatotropin is produced, which helps the body relax after a day of activity. Healthy sleep has a positive effect on a person's ability to remember information, concentrate on tasks and make decisions.

Give preference to healthy products


It's no secret that a healthy diet improves the functioning of the body, helping it to function at a high level, improves efficiency and improves brain function.

Movement is an essential component of a full life


Sport, combined with a proper diet and nutrition, maintains and maintains the health necessary for a full life. Daily exercise may include aerobic activity (running, brisk walking, dancing, cycling, swimming), muscle-strengthening and flexibility exercises, or high-intensity interval training.

Walking is very good for the body

Sunlight during the day and its absence at night

Daylight is very important for the body: it increases energy and gives vitality. The sun also stimulates the production of serotonin, the hormone responsible for happiness.

At night, in the dark, the body synthesizes melatonin, a hormone that is a natural antidepressant and has an antioxidant effect. It is therefore important to avoid bright light at night.

Communication allows us to feel love

Social connections

Everyone needs social communication and strong connections with like-minded people. When we are with other people, we feel part of something bigger and we get support. Communication allows us to feel love, mutual understanding and a sense of unity, to realize our place in the world, to gain recognition.

Not a list, but a schedule

Thus, all of the above things are the key to well-being and the foundation for an active, productive and eventful life. According to Andrew Guberman, it is important to treat these items not as an abstract list, but as a “schedule”, i.e. to complete them daily. Andrew's recipe is simple — every 24 hours he puts his efforts into the five categories listed. This makes it possible to move through life in a planned and easy manner and always count on a positive result.

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