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What can AI do?

Every day, AI is becoming an increasingly important part of our daily lives. However, not everyone knows what “heights” it has already reached and what potential it has.

Here are 13 things AI can do today.

1. Read

Many people would like to learn speed reading skills so as not to waste time on unnecessary information when reading. The good news is that AI has already learned how to do this! Now you can find modern applications that will quickly process an article, book, letter, legal document, as well as an audio file or text from an image, choosing only the most important for you.


2. To write

Professional journalists and even well-known publications like The New York Times and Washington Post use AI to write articles. Many marketers successfully create posts and publications for social networks, not forgetting to turn to artificial intelligence for help. By the way, not everyone knows that AI even wrote a novel that was shortlisted for one of the awards!


3. See

AI has machine vision — it can “see” and read what is happening around it, analyze incoming visual data and make quick decisions. Where is machine vision used? It is used to operate unmanned vehicles, recognize faces when paying for services and groceries in supermarkets or subways, as well as transactions with money at an ATM.


4. Hear and understand

It turns out that AI is able to recognize the sound of a shot and then alert the relevant authorities about it! In addition, voice recognition has long been used by ordinary people when they want to learn about the weather, find a musical track or the meaning of a word.


5. speak

Everyone has long been convinced that AI can answer questions and conduct a conversation. In addition, he is able to schedule a meeting himself and even arrange it over the phone. Many companies have been using AI to answer incoming customer calls for a long time.


6. Smell

AI models are currently being developed that will be able to diagnose diseases based on the smell coming from a person's mouth in the future. The AI will be able to identify chemicals called aldehydes, as well as the woody, musky smell characteristic of Parkinson's disease before the patient has other symptoms. AI-based bots will also be able to detect leaks of gas or corrosive chemicals. By the way, IBM is already using AI to develop new perfumes!


7. Touch and identify something by touch

Using sensors and cameras, an AI-based robot can find ripe fruits in a supermarket and even put them into a basket on its own. The next step is to train AI to link tactile sensations to the functioning of other senses.


8. Move

Moving mechanisms such as drones, various robots, unmanned vehicles, etc. work with the help of AI.


9. Understand emotions

AI can track a person's emotions when watching videos, which helps market researchers and marketers evaluate a particular product. AI can collect data on a person's emotions, analyze them and respond to them based on the work it has done.


10. Play games

AI can play poker and chess, participate in competitions, and defeat people! AI first beat famous grandmaster Garry Kasparov in 1996.


11. Argue

AI can successfully discuss complex topics with people. He deeply explores the area of conversation and can give an interesting point of view and even refute the opponent's opinion.


12. To create

It's no secret that AI can successfully create texts, poems, paintings, images, photos, and compose music.


13. Read thoughts

AI is already able to interpret brain signals and transform them into speech. This achievement has the potential to change the lives of people with speech disorders. However, some giant companies are exploring this AI skill to use it for their corporate purposes, which makes us wonder.

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