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Digital online safety for children: a memo for parents

Digital child safety

In today's world, the Internet plays a huge role in the lives of children and teenagers. However, with its unlimited possibilities, various dangers also appear.

Digital security is becoming an increasingly relevant topic that needs to be discussed with children. But what is the right way to ensure your child's online safety?

In this article, we'll look at several important aspects that will help parents protect their children from the negative effects of using the Internet.

Цифровая безопасность ребенка

What is digital security?

Digital security is a set of methods, technologies and rules that help protect data, personal information, and a person's life in the digital environment. It also covers protection against cyber attacks, viruses, hacks, and other threats associated with computers, smartphones, and other devices with an Internet connection.

What are the dangers of the Internet for children?

The main threats posed by the Internet to children include the following:

1. Inappropriate content. On the Internet, you can find a lot of content that is not intended for children to view, including pornography, violence, and other obscene material.

Inappropriate content can be a serious threat to children, as they may be unable to differentiate it from safe and useful content. Children may accidentally encounter inappropriate content while using the Internet, for example, when searching for information or watching videos on popular video hosting sites. They may also receive inappropriate content from other internet users, including on social media or messengers.

2. Cyberbullying. This is a form of psychological abuse that occurs through the use of electronic means of communication, such as the Internet, social networks, messengers, etc. Cyberbullying can lead to serious negative consequences for children, such as anxiety, depression, suicide, lack of self-confidence, etc. It is important for parents to understand that cyberbullying can occur at any age and in any social group.

  • Cyberbullying can take many forms, such as:

  • Threats and blackmail via the Internet;

  • Insults, nicknames and humiliation through social media;

  • Posting photos or videos that may harm the child's reputation;

  • Spreading false rumors about a child.

3. Cybercrime. Fraudsters and criminals can use the internet to gain access to children's personal data and illegally access their social media accounts or banking systems.

How can I protect my child?

1. Teach your child online safety rules. Tell your child about cyberbullying and how it can be prevented. Remind your child to never share personal information online or respond to unpleasant messages.

2. To create a trusting atmosphere. Give your child a chance to discuss with you any issues they may have online. Support your child and make sure they feel safe.

3. Monitoring the child's activity on the Internet. Parents should know what websites their child visits and who they are chatting with online. Note changes in your child's behavior that may indicate that they have been a victim of cyberbullying.

4. Seek help. If a child is a victim of cyberbullying, seek help immediately. Consult a school counselor or professionals who can help resolve the issue.

5. Make lessons on digital security. Digital safety education at school and at home can help children understand online dangers and protect themselves from them. Parents can use the online computer literacy courses at ProgKids Programming School to teach their children digital safety.

6. Install parental access control software. There are special programs that allow parents to monitor their children's activity on the Internet. They can block specific sites, filter content, and monitor social media activity.

7. Monitor your own online behavior. Parents should also be careful online to avoid becoming an example for their children. You should not disclose personal information or participate in disputes and conflicts on the Internet, which can lead to a worsening of the situation.

Here are a few specific apps that can help parents protect their kids online:

  • Qustodio is an app that allows parents to control their child's online time, block specific websites and apps, and receive notifications about their child's online activities.

  • Norton Family Premier is an application that allows parents to block access to certain sites and content, as well as control the time their child spends online.

  • Kaspersky Safe Kids is an app that allows parents to control their child's online time, block specific websites and apps, and track their child's location.

  • Net Nanny is an application that allows parents to block access to certain sites and content, as well as control the time their child spends online.

  • Bark is an application that allows parents to monitor their child's activities on social networks and messengers, as well as receive notifications about potentially dangerous situations.

It is important to understand that no application guarantees complete child safety on the Internet.

Parents should teach their children how to behave safely online and remain attentive to their online activities.

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