Rust is a multiplayer survival game that requires players to survive in the wild, fight against other players, build bases, and defend themselves against attacks. Here we'll provide a short guide to Rust for those who are just starting to survive in the game.
1. The beginning of the game
When you start the game, you appear somewhere on a huge map and you only have a stone and a torch. With a stone, you can extract various resources (wood, stone, metal), and with a torch you can illuminate the darkness and explore the area. The first step is to collect wood and stone to make the first tool — an ax.

2. Resource extraction
With an ax, you can extract wood and stone, as well as collect resources from various objects on the map. Some objects can only be mined with other tools (for example, a pickaxe can be used to extract ore). It takes a lot of time to extract resources, so be prepared to spend most of your time at this stage.

3. The first weapon
The first weapon in Rust can be crafted by gathering the resources you need. To do this, you will need fabric and wood. When your onion is ready, pick it up and start using it. A bow is a great weapon to protect against animals and other players in the initial stages of the game. You'll need wood and stone to create arrows.

Rust has so many players and many of them will try to attack your base and kill you. Therefore, you must always be alert and ready to attack.

4. Creating a database
One of the main tasks in Rust is to create a base where you will store your resources and live. Start by finding a suitable base location — preferably a place where there won't be too many players. Then gather the necessary resources to build the base (walls, doors, windows, etc.) and start building.

5. In-game learning
There are a variety of weapons in the game, ranging from stone knives to more sophisticated weapons like automatic rifles and rocket launchers. Learn more sophisticated weapons and improve your chances of survival.

6. Raids
Raids are one of the key aspects of the game. To secure your base and preserve the resources you have extracted, you need to strengthen your defensive positions. You should also learn explosives and raid tactics to successfully attack other players' bases and get additional resources for your survival.

Rust has a lot of different elements like cars, horses, boats, copters, electrics, and traps to help you survive and succeed in the game. Exploring all these elements will give you more options and options for action. But don't forget that surviving in Rust isn't just about vehicles and weapons, but also about your strategy and tactics, as well as your ability to adapt to changing situations and make quick decisions.
Rust is a game with a lot of features where you have to survive and fight in a dangerous environment, build and strengthen your base, and of course, make raids for additional resources. However, the main thing here is to enjoy the game and enjoy every moment.

Yana Ulyanova
Progkids teacher