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Game programming for kids: an overview of options

Boy and girl playing programming board games

Are you worried that your child spends a lot of time in front of the screen, but at the same time want them to develop in the IT field? Then this article is for you.
It turns out that developers come up with more than just video games that help you learn programming skills.
There are also colorful board games for the youngest programmers to play with the whole family.

In Russian

Russian-language programming board games for children are affordable, but, unfortunately, their selection is not so large.

BRAINY TRAINY Programming (8+)

The game will help your child gain a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of programming and develop the competencies necessary to learn them.

Progers (6+)

Rover explorers are collecting samples of life on an unknown planet. The goal of the game is to collect as many as you can. Players need to program their ATVs to move them around. The code is laid out on a table of cards with steps.

The road game “Programming basics: coding while playing” (5+)

A game with an erasable marker and lots of puzzles. The tasks will captivate and interest children, and the time on the road will be discreet and useful. The set includes 30 task cards.

In English

The English-language board games available on Amazon are a great option because English is the language used in programming, where all the code is written. Therefore, it is important for a young programmer to get acquainted with the English words that are needed to create programs from childhood.

Coder Bunnyz

The game that a little girl came up with can't be boring by definition! It includes 13 levels with various tasks for the youngest programmers. During the game, children program bunnies, learn basic coding concepts, develop analytical and creative skills, and get ready to write real computer programs.

Hop to It

A frog game that develops basic programming skills for little ones. By moving green characters, kids become familiar with spatial perception and learn to follow directions. The game also develops cooperation skills, problem solving skills, and increases self-confidence through rewards and bonuses.

Let's Go Code!

This is not a board game, but a “floor” game in which children lay out tiles with teams on the floor and then move along them themselves! The most active and fun learning of the basics of programming awaits you and your child.

Robot Turtles (4+)

This programming game for preschoolers made a splash and is deservedly considered one of the most popular games in the field. It was invented by Dan Shapiro, who worked at Google and had two daughters, to whom he dedicated this game. The main characters are funny turtles who need to be moved across the field, completing simple tasks.

Code Master

Code Master is the perfect board game that will improve your child's knowledge of all technical subjects at school, as well as introduce them to programming logic in a playful way. In the game, the child will find 10 maps to pave the way, and 60 tasks with one solution for each.


CoderMindz was invented by the same girl who created the game about rabbits CoderBunnyz. Through this game, children will learn about cycles, functions, conditions, etc. through engaging in fun gameplay.

On the Brink

This game is suitable for independent students who prefer to study everything on their own. A programmer player and his robot need to complete 40 single tests, the complexity of which is gradually increasing.

Osmo Coding Starter Kit (5-10+)

This game involves using a tablet or smartphone. The game process involves moving colorful cardboard blocks to create a code with commands for the main character named Obi. The game is suitable for both the youngest and older children, as it has different levels of difficulty.
Available on iPad and iPhone, as well as Osmo Fire Tablet.

Potato Pirates (7+)

At first glance, this game seems to have nothing to do with programming. However, it helps children learn basic programming concepts such as loops, if/then, etc. Learning disguised as fun is perfect for kids!

And if you want your child to not only play programming games, but also learn how to write code on a computer, sign it up for free trial lesson to our Progkids online school! Here, children learn the basics of programming in a playful way and, under the strict guidance of teachers, create their own games and other projects!

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