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The history of famous games: Space Invaders space shooter

A child wearing a hat with the Space Invaders logo

Space Invaders is an iconic project that has played an important role in the history of video games. Although the game was created in 1978, even now you can see its characters on t-shirts, posters, and even on every smartphone! Yes, we're talking about a pixel emoji in the form of a space alien from the game that is on any keyboard.

Accidents are not random, or who created the game


We owe Tomohiro Nishikado the appearance of well-known space aliens in our lives. Surprisingly, the young Japanese never planned to dedicate his life to creating video games. As a child, he loved science and electronics. When Nishikado graduated from university, he initially majored in television circuits. A year after graduation, the Japanese joined Taito, an electronics company, but then moved on to creating video games.

By the way, the game did not mention the name of the creator. The contract made it impossible for him to say that he was the one who developed the game. Unfortunately, after the release of Space Invaders, Tomohiro no longer created games ─ instead, he had to manage other employees.

Space Invaders and its role in the video game world

Nishikado was inspired by such predecessors of modern games as Breakout, The War of the Worlds, and Star Wars. By the way, they've never been as popular as the resulting space shooter. Yes, it was Space Invaders that helped turn video games into a global industry!

How did the characters come about?

The game was originally supposed to feature tanks, but the creator didn't like how they moved. The same thing happened to warplanes and ships. Then Tomohiro Nishikado tried the soldier game. He moved around the playing field excellently, but the creator of Space Invaders decided that shooting at people was not the best option.

Nishikado kept looking for the idea, and it wasn't long in coming. The Japanese recalled a 1953 film he saw as a child. It was called War of the Worlds, and its space invaders resembled sea creatures. Nishikado tried to make pixelated characters that vaguely resembled octopus, crab, and squid. They were moving as they should, and the game developer was satisfied.

Space Invaders is conquering the world!

When Taito released Space Invaders, it was an instant hit. In 1980, the game reached the US, where it could be played on Atari 2600 and Nintendo Entertainment System slot machines and home consoles. During its existence, Space Invaders has generated more than $500 million in revenue.

Space Invaders inspired a famous author to write a book

In 1982, Martin Amis, author of The Arrow of Time and The London Fields, published a book called Invading Space Invaders, in which he reflected on the impact of video games on world culture. In addition, the book included tips on how to score as many points as possible in Space Invaders! =)

A frightening fact about Space Invaders

Space Invaders became so popular that teenagers in Japan and other countries even tried to rob banks to get coins for slot machines! Public panic broke out, and in 1981, Labour MP George Foulkes introduced a bill into Parliament called “Controlling Space Invaders (and Other Electronic Games)”.

Fun fact about Space Invaders

Paradoxically, Space Invaders creator Tomohiro Nishikado was never able to advance the game beyond level one. If it were up to me, the game would be much easier, he admits with a laugh.

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