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History of programming languages: JavaScript

JavaScript language creator

Few people know that JavaScript, which is used by millions of programmers, was created in just ten days! The language was developed by Brendan Eich, an American programmer who already had some experience: he started creating programming languages to experiment with syntax while he was in college. When Brendan is asked about the JavaScript development process, he says he worked really hard and adds that he slept very little.

JavaScript's Father's Story

Born July 4, 1961 in Pittsburgh, Brendan Eich graduated from Santa Clara University in California with a degree in mathematics and computer science. In 1985, he received his master's degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. After graduation, Brendan began his career at Silicon Graphics, where he spent seven years working on the operating system and network code.

After creating JavaScript, Eich worked as CEO of Mozilla, and then, together with Brian Bondi, founded Brave Software, which released its own search engine.

Mini interview with the creator of JavaScript

You're the CEO. Are you a programmer?

Just for fun. My main job involves reading code, but at the quality control and bug finding levels, as well as at a strategic level.

Many people are now arguing about whether AI will ever replace living programmers. What do you think about this? Is this a real threat?

AI will definitely not be able to replace live programmers, but will definitely speed up the process of writing code. However, this can also threaten the security of systems.

What do you mean by “success”?

Helping others create a better world. As Harry Tuttle said, we're all in one.

JavaScript facts

  1. Brendan Eich's language was originally called Mocha, then LiveScript, and finally Javascript.
  2. Surprisingly, Java Script went into space in 2020! This is because the Dragon 2 spacecraft interface was created using JavaScript and Chromium.
  3. After almost thirty years of existence, JavaScript is still one of the most popular languages. In August 2023, JS was ranked seventh in the TIOBE index, overtaking PHP, Swift, Ruby, and Go.
  4. JavaScript is most commonly used in browsers to make web pages interactive. It allows you to embed animations, games, and other interactive elements into them.
  5. JavaScript and Java are different languages.
  6. JavaScript is supported by almost all browsers.
  7. When programming in JavaScript, you can use strict mode: it allows you to avoid bugs and increase code security.
  8. JavaScript supports asynchronous and functional programming.

The materials for the mini-interview are available here:


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