All parents want their children to grow up cheerful, have a positive attitude towards life and believe in a better future. An optimistic view of the world and everything that happens to you is really a very important aspect of life. Cheerfulness helps you deal with the challenges and stress they cause, as well as attract a pleasant social circle and support. A positive attitude towards life ensures that a person succeeds in a lot, and this increases their self-esteem. But how can you help your child notice that the glass is half full and not empty? Let's figure it out in this article!
Where does an optimistic view of the world come from?
Optimism can be an innate feature of a person or be formed under the influence of the social environment and the attitude of other family members towards the child. If parents are happy with their lives, believe in themselves and are free to pursue their goals, expecting good results from their activities, children are likely to learn the same pattern of behavior. Conversely, if parents feel that they cannot control external events, and little depends on their will, the child will live with the feeling that he will not succeed and should not expect much from life. In addition, the child may be haunted by anxiety and concern for the future.
Thus, parents should first analyze their own view of the world and work on their attitude towards life. What else can you do to instill positive thinking in your child?
Here are some simple recommendations from child psychologists:
#1 Magical children's meditations
Go with your child to a fairy forest or to the seashore, where the child can enjoy a beautiful melody and relax. Such meditations are like travel stories, and five minutes a day is enough to reduce anxiety, improve a child's sleep, and even boost immunity. It is also useful to practice conscious breathing with children, using their imagination. During these exercises, children can imagine a balloon or a jellyfish.
#2 Good deeds
By doing good deeds, for example, helping animals in a shelter, a child learns to realize that all difficulties in life can be overcome, and that you can always count on other people's help.
#3 The wall of positivity
Organize a special corner in your child's room where he can collect a collection of optimistic pictures, memes, and everything that makes him smile and remember that life is beautiful. You might want to make a graphite wall in the nursery so that your child can draw and write encouraging phrases right on the wall. I'm sure kids will appreciate this!
#4 Optimistic language
Sometimes we're all too hard on ourselves, releasing our inner critic. Kids are no exception. What if phrases that criticize us are suddenly banned? Invite your child to take an inner critic on a long vacation followed by dismissal =)
Replace negative affirmations with positive ones. For example, the phrase “I can't” can easily turn into “I'll try again.”
#5 With a happy ending
Watch movies and cartoons, listen to funny songs, and read books with happy endings. This may not always be the case in life, but if we believe, we do our best to make us happy with the result. Tell your child more often that we have a lot in our hands.
#6 Humour is everything for us
Treat failures with humor and teach your child to see funny things even in sad things. Also, explain to him how important it is to be able to laugh even at himself.
#7 New places
By visiting new places, you significantly broaden the child's horizons, making him feel joy and surprise. Some children are afraid to leave or travel far away from home. Show that traveling and traveling are a wonderful experience, and that being away from home is a no-brainer. The travel experience will help the child believe that the world is beautiful, and for the most part, we are surrounded by friendly people everywhere.
#8 Positive reflection
At the end of every day, even if it was difficult and difficult, remember at least three good things with your child. Let this become a family tradition. This way the child will learn to notice good things everywhere.
#9 An Optimist's Diary
You can not only discuss the good things that happened during the day, but also write down wonderful moments in a diary. When a child is sad, he will always be able to reread what has been written and cheer himself up.
#10 Active lifestyle
Sports activities, especially outdoors, always improve your mood! Don't forget to spend time actively, and this will give you and your child optimism and a positive attitude!
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