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How to develop children's curiosity

the child explores the caterpillar

Curiosity! There is no word more important to a child. It is this quality that plays a key role, motivating him to learn new things and develop continuously. The more curious a child is, the more open he is to the world, the more interesting it is for him to learn and interact with others. Curiosity encourages kids to try new things and not be afraid to experiment: this makes children more confident and successful in their future professional activities.

Why is curiosity so useful?

Of course, children are naturally curious: from an early age, they touch, taste, grab and nibble on everything they see. However, without the help of adults, it is much more difficult for them to understand the world. When a child is exploring something new, the brain releases dopamine, a hormone of pleasure and motivation. The more discoveries a child makes, the more they want to learn. Encourage children to keep getting to know the world around them and to be interested in a variety of things. The more the child learns for himself, the better. When he faces challenges during his further studies, he will see them as opportunities rather than obstacles.

Tips: How to develop children's curiosity

Let your child ask as many questions as possible

Sugata Mitra, a well-known Indian educator, believes that learning begins with a question. If a child is curious to learn something, he starts asking. Try not to brush the kids off at this point, even if you're tired and have a lot to do. Give a short and clear answer, and if you don't have one, explore the question together. After spending a few minutes, you will do a lot for the child's development.

Give kids a chance to experience through practice

Do everything you can to create an experimental environment where children can learn new things. Let them sculpt, draw, touch, study, create. If you don't want them to do this at home, take them to an art studio or set up a nook in the yard/garden. The kids will be happy! =)

Let your child do things they are interested in

Perhaps as a child you wanted to become an artist, but your child loves football or is ready to watch an anthill in the yard for hours? Let him do what he likes. It is his interests that motivate the child to explore the world and make his own discoveries.

Don't rush to save the child

If he has any difficulties, take your time. Give your child time to figure things out for themselves. Children will always find a way out in this situation, and, most likely, their version will be much more creative and innovative than the traditional solution! =)

Create games and read open-ended books

Let the child decide for himself how the game will end, what to build from the cubes, and which figure to assemble from the parts of the designer.

If you find books with an open ending or several plot options, it will be just great for the imagination of a curious little man.

Let him choose

Let your child know you can't do it without him! Ask him what color napkins to buy and what to cook for dinner. His decisions may not be so important on a global scale, but the child will definitely feel important and will want to choose more and more.

Go to nature

Open field research has not left any child indifferent. Nature is the best teacher!

Attend workshops

Now every city is opening more and more leisure centers where children can discover new things and explore the world. Very often, children's workshops are completely free of charge: you only need to register in advance.

Go to museums, zoos, and exhibitions

Joint trips to interesting places will reveal a lot of new things to the child and greatly expand the horizons of his knowledge.

Let kids learn from mistakes

You will not be able to protect your child from all dangers. Let them try new things even if you're scared for them. You can always insure your child if, for example, he decides to climb a tree.

At home, make the most of your child's safety by putting all fragile and sharp things away.

Take advantage of every opportunity

You can always whet his curiosity on the way to school or in the car. Don't forget that the world is full of wonders that kids want to learn about!

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