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The crisis of 7 years in a child: causes, manifestations and advice for parents

A child's 7-year-old crisis

In the process of raising children, every parent faces all stages of development, including so-called crises. One such crisis, known as the “7-year crisis”, can be alarming for parents because it is accompanied by changes in the child's behavior and emotions.

In this article, we'll look at how the 7-year-old crisis manifests itself, its causes and duration, as well as give tips for parents to help children successfully cope with this stage. We will look at the differences in the manifestation of the crisis among boys and girls, as well as the recommendations of psychologists for dealing with this crisis.

The crisis usually occurs around 6—7 years of age. This period is associated with intense physical, emotional and cognitive changes in the child. The manifestations of the crisis can be varied and include the following aspects:

  1. Resistance and rebellion. The child may begin to show disobedience and resistance to the authority of parents or teachers. He can become stubborn and break rules.
  2. Identification and role. At this age, the child begins to realize his individuality and strive for independence. He may be interested in different roles and seek his place in society.
  3. Emotional changes. Emotional fluctuations occur and the child's mood can change quickly. There may be bouts of anger, crying, or nervousness.
  4. Social relationships. The child begins to actively explore social relationships and look for new friends. There may also be problems with adapting to a team or conflicts with other children.
  5. The desire for independence. The child wants to have more control over his life and make his own decisions. He may express a desire to do things on his own and be independent from his parents.

The causes of the 7-year-old crisis can be related to several factors, including physical development, cognitive development and the desire for independence. At this age, children begin to become aware of their own capabilities and limits, and this can cause conflicts with those around them.

The duration of the crisis of 7 years may vary from child to child. In some cases, it can last for several months, while in other children it goes away more quickly. However, as a rule, this crisis is a short-term stage of development.

There are some useful tips for parents to help children during this time:

  1. Try to be patient and supportive with your child, allowing them to express their emotions and aspirations. Remember that childhood crises are normal stages of personal development.
  2. Set clear rules and boundaries so your child understands that their behavior has consequences. At the same time, it is also important to give him the opportunity to make some decisions and control his life.
  3. Let your child do some things on their own, even if it may take longer or make mistakes. This will help develop his self-confidence and decision-making skills.
  4. Talk and listen: Take time to interact with your child and be interested in their thoughts and feelings. Listen to him and support him in difficult situations. This will help him feel understood and important.

Psychologists offer several recommendations to help your child get through the turning point faster and more easily:

  1. Creating a safe and supportive environment. It is important to create an environment where the child feels safe. This may include setting clear rules and boundaries, as well as encouraging positive behavior.
  2. Providing opportunities for play and creativity. Play and creativity are important means for a child's self-expression and development. Give him time and space for free play, experiment, and creative activities.
  3. Developing emotional intelligence skills. Help your child develop skills to manage emotions, recognize their feelings, and empathize with others. Talking about feelings and emotions, reading books and playing games that contribute to the development of emotional intelligence will help with this.

The 7-year-old crisis can occur differently in boys and girls. Boys are often more active and aggressive, while girls may have more difficult relationships with those around them. However, every child is unique and the manifestations of the crisis may vary.

In conclusion, the 7-year-old crisis is a normal stage in a child's development and can be overcome with parental understanding and support. It's important to be patient, create a safe environment, and develop emotional intelligence skills. If you are experiencing difficulties in your child's behavior or emotional state, it is recommended that you contact a qualified psychologist for further advice and support.

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Karen Konstantin

ProgKids Teacher

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