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Celebrating holidays: significant dates for IT professionals and Internet users

Red-haired boy is programming on a computer

Technology is firmly and confidently gaining a place in the life of every modern person. Many people have dedicated their careers to computing and IT. Therefore, it is only natural that there are already special dates and professional holidays related to the Internet and work in the field of technology. In this article, we have collected the most interesting ones.

Internet and technology holidays

Internet Day

It is celebrated on April 4, the day of the death of Saint Isidore of Seville. This saint is considered to be the protector of students, students and scientists.

In 2003, Pope John Paul II named Saint Isidore the patron saint of computer and Internet users on the grounds that the World Wide Web is an endless treasure trove where you can find answers to any question.

Geek Day

It turns out that February 14 is not only a well-known heart festival. It was on this day in 1946 that the scientific world demonstrated the first functioning ENIAC I (Electrical Numerical Integrator And Calculator) computer, which worked to solve practical problems. It was he who became the ancestor of modern computers that use the binary number system.


September 13 is World Programmer Day. The holiday was added to the calendar in 2007.

Why exactly the 13th?

In the binary system, 13 is written as 1101, a number close to the binary code for the word “programmer”.

In Russia, this day is celebrated on the 256th day of the year, which corresponds to September 13 (or September 12 in leap years).

Why day 256?

256 is the number of values that can be represented by an 8-bit byte, and 256 is the highest power of two, which is less than 365 (the number of days in a year).

Graphic designers

Graphic designers celebrate their professional holiday on December 3rd.

Why on this particular day?

If we compare the abbreviations 3D (December 3 for short) and 3D, the choice of date becomes more than obvious =)


These specialists celebrate their professional holiday on April 4. We can say that the date 4.04 repeats the number 404 that appears when you click on a broken link and is accompanied by the message “Page not found”. Webmasters deal with virtual problems of this kind.


International Blogger Day is celebrated on June 14. This holiday was first born in 2004, when 500 bloggers from different countries decided that they needed their own day on which they could get a little “closer” to each other.

A blogger is a person who keeps a virtual diary in which he shares interesting information, talks about his hobbies, or simply shows what he does every day. The content published by a blogger can be in the format of text, podcast, or video.

How do bloggers celebrate their day? They actively support their “colleagues” and, whenever possible, hold “live” meetings.

By the way, August 31 is Blog Day, when bloggers post 5 links to virtual diaries of their “colleagues” that they think are interesting.

International Backup Day or Backup Day

It is celebrated annually on March 31. This day reminds us of the importance of information and the importance of preserving it. The date of the celebration was not chosen by chance: it is April 1 that special “April Fools'” viruses are often activated, which can lead to the loss of users' information.


IT professionals are often freelancers because they don't have to go to the office to work. So they can also celebrate Freelance Day, which is celebrated on May 14th.

If you want your child to also join the IT team and learn programming skills, sign up for a free one trial lesson on programming for the Progkids online school. All lessons are held in an individual format, as well as at a time convenient for you and your child, which makes them as comfortable as possible. Experienced teachers take a unique approach to each young talent and encourage students to undertake any creative endeavors. Our school has an internal educational platform where you can learn programming in a game format. Moreover, your child can create art using AI, learn to start their own blog, or create animated music videos. By the way, our school has its own online space where students share news, creative projects and achievements, participate in competitions, and play Minecraft and other games with teachers.

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