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Technical challenges online

The girl helps students cope with technical difficulties

In today's digital society, online education is no longer unusual to anyone. Thanks to innovative advances in technology, remote work and study have become the absolute norm.
However, despite all the advantages of learning through a computer, the process can cause various difficulties.
In this article, we will talk about the problems that a student may face when gaining knowledge remotely and share practical solutions.

Technical issues related to online learning

Internet access

A variety of factors influence the speed of an Internet connection, ranging from geographical location to network bandwidth. All this can limit the speed of transferring files with educational materials, as well as loading pages.
It is important that methodologists and online platform development specialists take these factors into account when creating a training course.

Device compatibility

This is the second common difficulty in online learning. This problem occurs when students use devices from different manufacturers and operating systems.
When developing courses, it is important to ensure the widest possible compatibility.

Availability of materials

Accessibility should be a top priority when developing or purchasing training programs. This concept includes user-friendly fonts, clear images, the ability to use subtitles and embedded audio tracks to reproduce material in a variety of ways.

Other challenges

Limited interaction

The interaction of students in a group has a positive effect on their assimilation of educational material. Communication and sharing of experience, solving problems together, celebrating achievements and expanding connections are important points that motivate successful learning activities. All this is limited as part of online training. However, training organizers can create networking opportunities, such as joint chats and additional video conferences, where students can share their progress with the group.

Navigation and user interface issues

Difficult navigation and unclear interaction with the online program greatly hinder learning. Incomprehensible layout, too many links, lack of interactivity — all these nuances should be addressed when developing a course.

Lack of personalization

Each person is unique, and every student requires a special approach. Some people “enter” visual material more, others listen to information. Online training for kinesthetics is the hardest part, but there are options for kinesthetics as well.
Course creators need to take into account different ways of perceiving information and develop material in accordance with this: it will be a big advantage if teachers can select material based on the student's needs and interests.

Lack of motivation to study

The teacher's lack of interpersonal contact and physical presence during an online lesson reduces interest and engagement in learning.

Progkids teachers provide lessons that are as personalized as possible, sharing their programming experience. They also give students the freedom to choose courses, topics and projects, and resources they would like to use. Teachers support and inspire children to create unique projects, games, websites and animations for which children can come up with ideas for themselves if they wish.

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