We've already explained why any child can use coding skills, even if they don't want to become a professional developer in the future. But many parents, when they send their children to learn to program, think primarily about career opportunities. This is not surprising - online programming courses open up many paths for children, among which they can easily find their dream job.
Software system developer
Most often, when people talk about programmers, they are referring to such experts. These specialists write code to get the computer to do the required tasks. Everything that you use on your computer was created by them - from the operating system and work programs to the microelement firmware on the motherboard.
Such developers work in both major corporations and small startups. Some programmers specialize in systems that users work with, while others focus on internal IT processes (read more in our article on the frontend and backend). Some write powerful analytical programs or help with academic research, while others work on application systems for ordinary users.
Today, learning to program in Python is the first step for many such professionals. This language has long been considered the best option for novice developers, and even students can learn to program in Python. Python's low entry threshold and simple syntax are combined with great flexibility and breadth of use.
Mobile app creator
Another industry that has taken an incredible leap in the past 10-15 years (thanks to Steve Jobs and the iPhone). Today, to become a mobile developer, you just need to choose a platform (the world's most popular Android OS or the traditionally prestigious iOS) and learn the programming languages you need in a few months (Java and XML for Android, Swift or Objective-C for iOS). Then there are years of practice, and mobile developers can get decent money on their first projects.
As apps take on more and more daily and work tasks, mobile experts don't sit idle. Such careers may have lower astronomical salaries than developers of corporate IT systems, but mobile application specialists are more likely to be able to afford flexible hours and freedom from the office.
How do you prepare your child for a career as a mobile developer? The Swift language used on iOS is relatively uncomplicated — Apple has the Swift Playgrounds app with which kids can quickly learn the basics of programming for this platform. In the case of Android, you have to sit down at Java, which may be a little more difficult, although it is also realistic. However, in both cases, you can first learn how to program in Python so that you can quickly understand the basic principles of coding and move on to more complex topics. In addition, Python also allows you to learn the processes of working with databases — you can't do without this in mobile development.
Video game author
Everyone likes to play with a computer, and the luckiest ones turn this hobby into a stellar career. However, this “success” is preceded by years of study, trial and error.
You can start this journey at an early age - Snap programming courses, which provide a basic understanding of computer animation, virtual character management and storytelling, are available to children from 8-10 years old. High school students can learn to program in “adult” languages such as C#, Java, and Unity. They can be called today's industry standard for game development.
When it comes to employment, game developers can also choose between a career at a large game studio or projects at independent companies. Today's crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and digital stores like Steam are opening up a global audience even for small developers.
Website builder
Perhaps the easiest way for kids who want to learn to program is to create websites. Many online platforms offer ready-to-use solutions, allowing you to launch your own web pages without diving into computer code.
Of course, a professional web developer needs to be able to work with their hands. However, learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the three major languages of the Internet, is much easier than learning Python or C#. Success comes with practice: first, young web developers create a website for a school, then design an online app for friends, and eventually they can proceed to serious orders, including on a commercial basis.