A comfort zone is a psychological space in which a person feels safe and confident. While in it, he avoids stress and risk, but staying in this state all the time can limit personal growth and development. Living a full life means going beyond the ordinary, discovering new opportunities and horizons. In this article, we'll show you how to teach this to children.
And if your child is eager for new discoveries, we look forward to seeing him in class at Progkids!
No.1. Comfort zone: what kind of animal is it
Explain to your child that life loves the brave! Tell him about the importance of experimentation and new experiences.
#2. Do you know how I can do it?
Children learn from adults. If parents show a willingness to accept challenges and are not afraid to make mistakes, children will follow suit. Talk about times you've been out of your comfort zone and what lessons you've learned from these situations.
#3. The quieter you go, the farther you go
Don't immediately throw your child into the unknown! Start with small steps. For example, encourage him to try a new hobby, make friends in the neighborhood, or visit an unfamiliar place. The gradual expansion of the comfort zone will help the child get used to the fact that changes often happen in life.
#4. I'm with you
It is important to support children in their endeavors and encourage them to try new things. More importantly, do it together! Visit an unfamiliar place, meet someone on the street, or take part in a family contest. Remember that even if things don't work out, you'll gain invaluable experience that you can share with others.
And if the child is already old enough, support him on his way to the unknown.
#5. I can do anything
Confidence is key to getting out of your comfort zone. Help your child develop self-confidence by supporting them, encouraging them to be curious and recognizing their achievements.
#6. In a black and black city, or conversations about fears
Fears are a natural response to the unknown. Talk to your child about what they're afraid of and help them find ways to change scary pictures into something more joyful. These conversations will be a useful experience for developing emotional stability.
#7. Avoid comparisons
Comparing to others can reduce anyone's motivation. So instead of saying, “Vasya is much braver than you are!” , celebrate your child's success and compare him only with yesterday's.
#8. Use positive affirmations
The affirmation technique will strengthen the child's confidence that he can do more and help him dare to dare to dare to do great things!
Positive affirmations for getting out of your comfort zone
Here are some examples of affirmations that can help your child face new challenges and build confidence in themselves:
1. I am open to new opportunities and ready to learn.
2. Every step forward makes me stronger and more confident.
3. I can handle any challenges that come my way.
4. Mistakes are part of learning and I learn from them.
5. I believe in myself and my abilities.
6. New challenges make me smarter and more experienced.
7. I can go beyond what I'm used to and achieve my goals.
8. I accept change as part of my growth.
9. I'm better every day than I was yesterday.
10. I'm proud of myself because I'm trying new things.
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